Disease |
Cause |
Cure: Ingredients |
Applemonia |
You get this disease when you receive 1 green apple in the game Under the Rock. The disease is also random when feeding a green apple to a pet. |
Appills: To make this Cure you need 1 Green Apple, 1 Apple Ichu Slurpy |

Your pet gets this disease when an item in your inventory is destroyed by the Bomb Token of the Lucky Bag. |
Bacon Bandaid: To make this cure you need 2 Bacon Bandaids and 4 Bacon And Egg Kebabs |

Currently Unknown |
Burn Baby Burn Pill: To make this cure you need 5 Fire Potions and 1 Firenix Egg |

Confustication |
Your pet gets this disease through the Dice of Doom |
Confusticated Syringe: To make this cure you need 3 Silly the Seals and 1 Blue Crystal |

Currently unknown |
Happy Pills: Currently unknown |

Lovesick |
If you negative heart someone you are punished with this disease. |
Heart Broken Curing Cream: To make this Cure you need 2 Heart Berries, 2 Heart IchuCards and 4 Cherry Cream Fizzers |

This is a disease your pet can get when visiting Archeon. Only when it doesn't have a disease already. |
Ice Pack: To make this Cure you need 1 Ice Cubes and 3 Blueberry Ichu Slurpies |

Flesh Wound
You get this disease randomly when shredding items. |
Regular Bandaid: To make this Cure you need 5 Patch Plushies |

Cheesy Rotten Feet |
Currently unknown |
Stinky Feet Begone: To make this cure you need 3 Colby Cheese Bricks and 2 Sock Puppet Ducks |