Ichumon's 1st Anniversary
Events :: Ichumon's 1st Anniversary

On August 1st 2008 Ichua opened it's world to the public. Now every year the month of August is one full of events. Today I will take you through my memories of all the celebrations. First up is August 2009, Ichumon celebrated its first birthday!
As you might know you can find green apples everywhere in Ichua. Some people saw it as nothing less than a plague. At the 1st of August 2009 the people of Ichua found a solution to this apple overload. Three huge pinatas could be found in three different places on the site. You needed your green apples to throw at those pinatas. Maybe something nice would fall out of the hole you created. The apple you threw would magically disappear. This way the apples were gone and everyone had a nice share in the celebrations.
Cakes, Gift Bags, many wearables and much more items were released. Together with all those brand new items a 25 piece puzzle was released and a set of avatars. And that's not where it ended. On top of all those amazing releases a lot of on site features were doubled. You could get double EXP and double cP in the RPG, double restocking rates, more random events and bigger gambling bets in the game 21.