Hidden Avatars |
Action Put an Ellune Action Figure into your Toy Collection. |
Alexia Puzzle Collector Complete the Alexia Puzzle. |
Alice Puzzle Collector Complete the Alice Puzzle. |
Alien Invasion Have 20 Alien Tadpoles in your inventory. |
Ancient View Operator's user profile while having an Ancient Stone Blade in your inventory. |
Ancient Fish Play with an Ancient Fish ichie. |
Ancient War Convert an Ancient War Helm to Treasure Points from your Inventory. |
Antis Himself Defeat Antis Himself in the Crusade Arena. |
Apple A Day Feed a Green Apple to your Ichumon pet. |
Apple Killer! Shred 1000 Green Apples total in the history of your Ichumon time. |
Apple? Visit the Create an Ichumon Galatania page while having Galatania Apple, Green Apple, and Magical Green Galatania Mirror Shard in inventory. |
Approach The Leopardos Random prize when visiting Approach The Leopardos. |
Arrow Attack Random when defeating an Arrow in the Crusade Arena. |
Astro Use any Magical Astro Shard on a pet. |
Astro Grapes Feed Astro Grapes to an Astro Ichumon. |
Ava Apple Purchase Ava Apple Avatar Item from Ava Apple at the Apple Shop. |
Awww, sad... :-( Random when playing with a Blizz. |
Baby D Use Newborn Danemue Mirror Shard on a pet. |
Bandito Pawn a Bandito in the Pawn Shop. |
Battle Ants... weep Random when defeating Battle Ant in the Crusade Arena. |
Battle Music Have all 8 Music Notes in your inventory. |
Battle Royale Win Battle Royale and visit the Battle Royale page. |
Beanbag Remove a Red Lepardos Beanbag from your Toybox. |
BEEP BROKEN TOY! Shred a Malfunctioning Lepardos Robot at The Shredder. |
Big Bean Random from completing a Jelly Bean quest. |
Biology Read Ichua Biology Book to a pet at the Library. |
Bizarre Put a Bizarre Mushroom into your Food Collection. |
Bloomdale Attach a Bloomdale to a Sprout Pet. |
Blubble! Defeat Blubble in the Crusade Arena. |
Blue Balloon Holding Dragora Random when shredding a Blue Balloon Holding Dragora Plushie. |
Blue Jello Feed Blue Jello to a pet. |
Blue Wild Attack Rabbit Defeat Blue Wild Attack Rabbit in the Crusade Arena. |
Blue Zirafa Create a Zirafa pet. (Any color) |
Bone Reader Random from getting a Disease from Archeon Bones. |
Boo Pop Buy a Ghost Lollipop from a user shop. |
Boom Purchase an Ichu Bomb from the Battle Supplies. |
Bounce Leepra Bounce View the High Scores for Leaping Leepras when you are in first place. |
Breakout Successfully send a score of 2510+ on Breakout. |
Broken Shredder Break The Shredder (by shredding certain items) Items that work: Plain Rock, Ball and Chain, Ichu Bomb, Gryphix Bomb. Or shred many, many items and the Shredder will eventually break. |
Bull Add Bull Plushie to the Plushie Drive. |
Calistas Treasures Score 9,900+ Points in Calista's Treasures in the same month. |
Candy Love View Vampire Candy Corn in your inventory. |
Caution... Buy a Poison Flower from Bits and Bobs. |
Century Club Reach Pet level 100 and enter the Century Club. |
Chansu Attach a Chansu on a blue pet. |
Cloudy Purchase an Air Sphere from the Battle Supplies. |
Clump of Mud Dig up a Clump of Mud at Dig For Glory. |
COFFEE!!! <3 View 15 Cup of Coffee (any color combination) in your inventory. |
Color Red View 15 Red Teeniweenis in your Inventory. |
Corek Puzzle Collector Complete the Corek Puzzle. |
Corek Quester Random when completing a Corek Quest. |
Coreks Garden Purchase an item from Corek's Garden. |
Cracked Random when interacting with the Giant Egg of Doom. |
Creepy Crawler Have a Level 5 or higher Creepy Spider attached to your pet. |
Crusade Arena Purchase from the Crusade Arena Shop. |
CTF Winner Random when winning Capture the Flag. |
Cuddly Add Blue Polisis Plushie to the Plushie Drive. |
Cupcake Feed Chocolate Cupcake to a pet. |
Cut Hack Slice Donate an Enhanced Battle Axe from your inventory. |
Danemue View the pet profile of a Danemue. |
Dangerous View the main Crusade Arena page while having a Possessed Skull Bomb in your inventory.
Death By Chocolate Feed Delicious Devil Cake to a pet. |
Delight Jelly Feed Jelly of Passionate Delight to a pet. |
Dematicipator Create Dematicipator at Dr. Dimmer's Lab. |
Demon Crab Donate a Demon Crab to the Donation Hole. |
Demon Day 09 View the pet profile of a Demon Arro. |
Demon Dragora Use any Magical Demon Shard on a pet. |
Demon Jawbreaker Feed a Demon Jawbreaker to an Ignomi Ichumon. |
Demon Lycan View the pet profile of a Demon Lycan. |
Demonfin Buy a Demonfin in the Ichie Shop. |
Demonic Feed a Demonic Cupcake to your Ichumon. |
Demonic Hex Lose a Demonic Hex Plushie to the Dice of Doom. |
Devious View a Red Devia and a Demon Crystal in your inventory at the same time. |
Dice of Doom Land on the Avatar side when playing Dice of Doom. |
Divinity Use a Divinity Shard in a 2-player battle in the Crusade Arena. |
Don't Eat Me! Try to feed a Sad Gingerbread Man cookie to a full pet. |
Dont Play with Fire! Have your Ichumon play with a Red Flarix Lighter. |
Dr Dim Complete one Dr. Dim Quest. |
Dr. Dimmer Random from creating an item in Dr. Dimmer's Lab. |
Draegarn Add Draegarn Plushie to the Plushie Drive. |
Dragon Ice Dagger Equip Dragon Ice Dagger to a pet.
Drooling Toothkat Shred 50 Toothkat items. |
Drought Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichua Drought Puzzle. |
Duckies! Have 20 rubber ducks in your Inventory. |
Easy! Play with a Palm Tree Puzzle. |
Enchanting! Get 4 on all stats when you use an Enchanting Skull Potion. |
Error Cop Defeat Coppa in the Crusade Arena. |
Error Cop RAWR Receive the Coppa Monster Card randomly when defeating a Coppa in the Crusade Arena. |
Evil Dark Fluff Defeat Evil Dark Fluff in the Crusade Arena. |
Evil Spyder Attach Evil Spyder to a pet. |
Evolved Ichie Evolve an ichie. |
Eye Of The Gryphix View Eye of the Gryphix and Glass Eye in your inventory. |
Eye See You Put Earth Seeker in the Armoury. |
Fargos Forest Visit Fargo's Forest. |
Febicoon Love Random when playing with a Febicoon ichie. |
Fiery Attack Search for "Fire Demon Attack Orb" in the search bar. |
Fire Earth Water Redeem a 8,000 iP or more prize from Fire, Earth, Water. |
Fishy Fish from the Fishing Game using a Jeweled Hook. |
Flea Fiesta Add all 6 Flea Plushies to the Plushie Drive on the same day. |
Flora Flora! View the Ichumon Calendar while having a Flora in your inventory. |
Fortunate Random when feeding a Fortune Cookie to a pet. |
Foul Swamp Find the item in the Foul Swamp. |
Freeze Potion Purchase a Freeze Potion from the Battle Supplies. |
Furious Search for Furious in the search bar. |
Furious Candle Have a Rage Candle with at least 10 other items with 'candle' in their names in your inventory. |
Gelato Restock a Chilled Cherry Gelato for exaclty 1337 iP. |
Giant Egg of Doom Puzzle Collector Complete the Giant Egg of Doom Puzzle. |
Glowfly Have a level 10 Glowfly Ichie attached to your Ichumon. |
GM DEAL Win 350 or more iC in the game GM Deal. |
Got The Beat Search for Music Note in the search bar. |
Greick Have a Greick in your inventory. |
Grim View Head of Grim in your inventory. |
Grubs View a Green Grubbie and an Orange Grubbie at the same time in your inventory. |
Grumpy Gracle Challenge the Grumpy Gracle for a fight in the 2-player Crusade Arena. |
Gryphix View the pet profile of a Gryphix. |
Guess The Number Win a game of Guess The Number. |
Gummy Bears Feed Grape Polisis Gummies to a pet. |
Gummy Carrots Feed your pet a Gummy Baby Carrots. |
Hangman X) Win a game of GM Hangman. |
Happy Search for Happy in the search bar. |
Happy Birthday Visit the Ichumon Calendar page on your Birthday. |
Happy Halloween Random prize from a Festival of ARHHH! Goodie Bag. |
Hatchling Hatch a pet (at Dr. Dim's Laboratory). |
Heal Me Visit the Heal Center in the Lightest Tower and have your pet healed. |
Healthy Feed your Ichumon a Veggie Drink. |
Heart Of Gold View Golden Heart Medallion in your inventory. |
Help Im Stuck! Receive a Trapped-in-a-Jelly Ichu from a Princess Jelly Bean Quest. |
Higher or Lower Random when winning a game of Higher or Lower. |
Holey Moley Score over 2500 in Holey Moley. |
Hot Zirafa Use a Demon Crystal on a Zirafa pet. |
I am the 10% Random when successfully attaching a 10% Holy Gem to a weapon. |
I HATE YOU! Remove a level 4+ Hateling from your pet. |
I Heart Avril View Avril Lavigne Plushie and Pink Microphone in your inventory. |
I LOVE CARROTS! Have 10 DIFFERENT items with the word 'carrot' in the name, in the inventory. |
I love Ichu Bits View 11 different types of Ichu-Bits (except for Flarix, Danemue, Arro, and Iraknid Ichu-Bits) in your inventory. |
I Love Radek Type I LOVE RADEK (in Capital Letters) into Radek's ticket amount field. NOTE: Costs 600 Ticket Points! |
I Love You Random when + hearting any user. |
Icek Hmm Search for Icek Plushie in Wishlist search. |
Ichie Owned Random when playing with an ichie. |
Ichu Day Add Baby Ichu Plushie to your Plushie Collection. |
Ichu Ichumon Have an Ichu as one of your pets and view its profile. |
Ichu Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichu Puzzle. |
Ichu Roll! Random when rolling a Magical Fuzzy Dice (of any color). |
Ichu Year 1 Collector Complete the Ichu Year 1 Puzzle. |
Ichua World Complete the Ichua World Puzzle. |
Ignomi Day View the pet profile of an Ignomi. |
Imma Getcha Attach Bagged Green Nawer to a pet. |
Imma Star Visit the World Map and find the hidden link by a falling star. |
Inferno View Flame Sphere in your inventory. |
Insert Here! Use a Vending Machine Ticket at the Vending Machine. |
Inverno Arro View the pet profile of an Inverno Arro. |
Inverno Vinali View the pet profile of an Inverno Vinali. |
Iraknid View the Create A Pet page for the Iraknid species. |
Is It Soft? Put the Super Soft Hedgehog Plushie in your Plushie Collection. |
It's hard! Feed an Ancient Stone Sandwich to your pet. |
Jelly Festival View any three Jeela ichies in your inventory (any color combination). |
Jelly War Feed Leaning Tower of Jelly to a pet. |
Jet Sleigh Search for a "Jet Sleigh" in the search bar. |
Just Married View a pet that is married. |
Kiwilicious Random when feeding a pet a Kiwi Slice. |
Know-it-all-Kisser Read Book of Kissing to a pet at the Library. |
Lasagna Buy a Lasagna from the Food Shop. |
Leafbun Delete a Leafbun in your inventory. |
Leafy One Win a battle against a Forest Guardian with a Sprout Ichumon Pet. |
Lightning Houses Fix 100+ Lightning Houses within the same month. |
Lil Dragoon Buy a Lil Dragoon Plushie in Corek's Tower while having 2 Lil Dragoon in your inventory. |
Loket Add Green Loket Plushie to the Plushie Drive. |
Lovebot Random when playing with a Lovebot ichie. |
Lucky Random when successfully grabbing a gold pot at Lucky Lyra. |
Lucky Bag Win a shard from the Lucky Bag. |
Lucky Wink View a gallery with 100+ Lucky Lepardos |
Luminous View the Crusade Arena High Scores for Sarkling. |
Maeva puzzle Collector Complete the Maeva Puzzle. |
Magical Pool Random when using Fargo's Morphic Pool. |
Master Quester Complete 101 Master Quests. |
Mel-T Puzzle Collector Complete the Mel-T Puzzle. |
Meow Pussy Cat View Kitteh in your inventory. |
Meow? View Turble in your inventory. |
Meteor Equip an Astro Meteor to an Astro Ichumon. |
Mmmm... Biscuit View Lycan Biscuits in your inventory. |
Money Grabber Grab a money bag worth over 2000 iP in Money Grabbing. |
MUNCH MUNCH Feed Muncher a Purple Apple by having both in your inventory during Apple Rain weather. |
Musical View 10 or more Pink Piano Keyboards in your inventory. |
MY DRAGORA! Add Limited Edition Dragora Plushie to your Plushie Collection while having a Dragora as your Active Pet. |
Mystery Random when eating a Mystery Mint Hard Candy. |
Myztec Visit Myztec. |
Nearpo Random when buying Nearpo from the Ichie Shop. |
Need a Job? Random from creating a job item. |
Newborn Use a Newborn Crystal on a pet. |
News Reader Random when viewing a news Update (only one try per new Update). This means whenever there is a new Update, you can view it and if you get lucky you will get the avatar. |
Not Sure If Safe To Eat Try to feed Mouse Soup to a full pet. |
Not the Gum Drops! Random when feeding Assorted Gum Drops to your pet. |
Nupone Mine Create Nupone at Dr. Dimmer's Lab. |
Octo-Love Create the Octo-Love Avatar at Dr. Dimmer's Lab. Ingredients: Mr. Octopus, Mrs. Octopus, Baby Boy Octopus and Baby Girl Octopus. |
Ole *whack* New Solution: View an Oles Ban-Hammer in your inventory. Old Solution: View Ole's profile while having an Oles Ban-Hammer in your inventory. |
Oops Look at your Food Collection with the 3 Upside Down Ice Cream Cones (Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla). |
Organic Orange Random when feeding an Organic Orange to your pet. |
Ouch! Successfully send a score of 6000+ on Snubbu's Sno-Gro. |
Out of Order Break the Stone Clock. |
Pantheon Visit Pantheon. |
Party 2009! View New Years 2009 Hat in your inventory. |
Pass the Football! Gift a Football to another user. |
Phoenix View Phoenix Feather and Phoenix Potion in your inventory. |
Pilair Visit Pilair. |
Pilair Puzzle Collector Complete the Pilair Puzzle. |
Pinkchumon Use any Magical Pink Shard on a pet. |
Pinwheel Random when playing with an Astro Pinwheel. |
Plaster? Random from a Lepardos Pet playing with a Plaster Lepardos Skull. |
Poison Shrooms Random when viewing your inventory with a Poisonous Mushroom. |
Poisonous Mushrooms View Poisonous Mushrooms in your inventory. |
Poolooooo Random when defeating Ice Poolo in the Crusade Arena. |
Poor Snubbu View Snubbu Ice Cream in your inventory. |
Popular View the profile of a user with over 50 Hearts. |
Punishment Try to play with a Punishment ichie when you've already played with it this month. |
Pure Evil Create Mr Evil Peanut at Dr. Dimmer's Lab. |
Purple Cup Buy a Purple Drago Cup from Bits and Bobs. |
Queen Of Pilair Random when viewing the Queen of Pilair page. |
Rainbow Plushie Purchase a Rainbow Plushie from the Plushie Paradise. |
Rainy Day Have 5, 15, and 30 Minute Rainy Weather items in your inventory. |
Random Jelly Open a Jar of HUH Jelly. |
Rarity Wiz Random when correctly guessing in the Rarity Game. |
Rawr!!! Search for my lil bear in the search bar and view the item result's information. |
Relic! Defeat Relic in the Crusade Arena. |
Ribbit Have a Ribbit, a Fez Hat, and a Frizog in your inventory. |
Sanlord Defeat Sanlord in the Crusade Arena. |
Scary! Attach a Zombilo ichie to your Ichumon. |
Scratchcard Receive a Battle Zone Card when buying a Scratchcard. |
Seamrog Delete a Seamrog in your inventory. |
Shadow Scythe Use a Hidden Shadow Scythe and any other weapon in the same turn in a Crusade Arena 1-player battle. |
Sheet Ghost ARHH!! Search for Sheet Ghost in the search bar and view the item result's information. |
Shredded Shard Shred any Magical Mirror Shard in The Shredder. |
Sick Pony View a Beriberi Infected Shetland Pony ichie attached to a pet. |
Silly Seal Search for silly the seal in the search bar and view the item result's information. |
Sleeping Poli View the profile of a banned user while having a Poli in your inventory. |
Smelly Elle Purchase an Elle from the Ichie Store. |
Smooch Receive a Wearable Kiss On Cheek as a gift from someone else. |
SNAP! Random when winning SNAP!. |
Snazzy View Glowing Time Keeper in your inventory. |
Snuggles Purchase a Snuggles from the Ichie Store. |
So cute Purchase a Bubble Ichu Plushie from the Toy Pen. |
Soft Poop! Purchase a Poo Plushie from the Toy Pen. |
Sour Lemon Equip Lemon Grenade to a pet. |
Sprout Day View the Calendar page on Sprout Day. |
Sprout Dessert Feed Sprout Cookies to a Sprout Ichumon. |
Sprout! Use a Sprout Crystal on a pet. |
Squishy Add Cutie Pumpkin Plushie to your Plushie Collection. |
SSS Jackpot Win the Jackpot on Sly Slick Slots. |
Staff of the Forest Read Mysteries of the Forest to an Ichumon while having Staff of the Forest in your Armoury. |
Stamp Sender Send any Rarity 99 stamp in an Ichumail. |
Star Berry Pick up a Star Berry from the Luwhut Tree. |
Stock Crash Awarded when one or more of your stocks in the Stock Market crashes. |
Stonetooth Defeat Stonetooth in the Crusade Arena. |
Strawberry View 10 Strawberry Plushies in your inventory. |
Striped Ball Random when your pet plays with a Striped Ball. |
Sunnie! Buy a Sunnie ichie from the Ichie Shop while the weather is Sunny. |
Sunny Day View 10 Items in your inventory with the name Sun in them. (Not sunshine, Sunny, etc..) |
Super Lepardos Add Super Lepardos Plushie to your Plushie Collection. |
Super Sneaker Receive a Super Orange Sneaker from the Luwhut Tree. |
Super Soft! View a Super Soft Red Panda Plushie with two older Super Soft plushies (total of three Super Soft plushies) in your inventory. |
Super Sweet View the following items in your inventory: Magic Mix, Cupcakie, and Cake Doll. |
TeeniCon Random when redeeming a prize during TeeniCon. |
TehJoeh Quack? Random when visiting a Tehjoeh ichie attached to a pet. |
The Darkest Tower Visit the Darkest Tower. |
The Lightest Tower Visit The Lightest Tower. |
Thunderstorm Use the Thunderstorm Crystal on an Ichumon. |
Top Earner Have 5,000,000+ iP in your Bank and view the Bank page. |
Top Strawberry Random when playing with a Strawberry Top. |
Toucan Hero Add Super Soft Toucan Plushie to the Plushie Drive. |
Training Random when finishing training at the Training Camp. |
Treasured Mines Puzzle Collector Complete the Treasured Mines Puzzle. |
Tye Ticket Hustler Correctly guess and win a gamble of 10,000 Tickets at Tye's Ticket Box. |
Ugly Freaking Orange Have a pet play with a Toy Flying UFO. |
Uh Oh! Random while Mining. |
Ultimate Restocker Purchase a Rarity 99 item from the Mushroom Shops. |
Ultra Healer Purchase any Healing Potion from the Magic Stall. |
Under The Rock Random when playing Under the Rock. |
Unlucky View Maevas Black Cat in your inventory. |
Veggie Burger Buy a Veggie Burger in the Food Shop. |
Very Hungry Kopie Successfully send a score of 10,000+ points on Hungry Kopie. |
Vinali Create a Vinali pet. |
Wandering Ghost Defeat Wandering Ghost in the Crusade Arena. |
Warrior Roll a Warrior Gnome in Item Roller. |
Warzone Random when defeating an Aleon in the Crusade Arena. |
What Did You Do Give a Rose of Enchantment to Calista > click |
Winter Winds Add Bottled Winter to your Closet. |
Wishing Well Donate 800,000 iP to the Wishing Well. |
Won't make you cry! Put a Happy Onion Plushie in the Plushie Drive. |
Woooooooosh! View the Item Roller page after winning a Rarity 98 item from Operator. |
Wormzy Attach Wormzy to a pet.
Y Hallo Thar Visit Dr. Dim's Laboratory while having a Leeklu in your inventory. |
Y10 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y10 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y11 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y11 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y12 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y12 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y13 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y13 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y14 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y14 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y15 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y15 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y16 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y16 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y2 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon 2nd Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y3 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon 3rd Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y4 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon 4th Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y5 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y5 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y6 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y6 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y7 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y7 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y8 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y8 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Y9 Puzzle Collector Complete the Ichumon Y9 Anniversary Puzzle. |
Year Five Random from the Y5 Gift Bag. |
Year Fourteen Complete the Sky Seal. |
You Have Mail View your Ichumail Inbox when there are five or more Unread messages. |
Yum CAKE! Random when feeding a pet a Strawberry Topped Chocolate Cupcake. |
Event Avatars Only obtainable during special Ichumon Events. |
Bonfire Day View the Updates page on Guy Fawke's Day. |
Calista the Grinch Random when giving a snowball to Calista during the Festival of Pilair Event. |
Click Wars Get a Top 3 score on a Click Wars match. |
Council Wars Champion Be a member of the winning council in Council Wars and claim your prize. |
Cupid Loves Me Complete a Cupid Quest for the item Cupids Ribbon. |
Drink Up Complete a Cupid Quest for the item Love Me Liquor. |
Easter Champion Random when spending 100 Pocket Credits at Pocket's Treasures. |
EGG EGG EGG Random when completing a Pocket Quest. |
Egg Hunter Collect all 45 Deluxe Easter Eggs from Pocket's Easter Egg Hunt. |
Festival of Pilair View Hale on your own profile during Festival of Pilair. |
First to the Witch! Be the first person any hour to click on Trick as a prize at Maeva during the Festival of ARHHHH! |
Happy Holidays Random when viewing the Pilair Tree. |
Harvus Random from filling an Empty Cornucopia during IchuHarvest. |
Heartbreak Complete the Broken Heart Plushie quest at Cupid's Cloud. |
Heartchu Random when reading a letter sent to you at Cupid's Mailbox. |
Hot Buns Receive a Hot Buns from Pocket when turning in 40 Pocket Credits at Pocket's Treasures. |
Ichumon Year One Random when opening an Ichumon Year One Gift Bag. |
Lurv Give the 10 original Love Hearts (one of each) to Lucille Cupid at Cupid's Cloud. |
Lycan Day View the Ichumon Calendar on Lycan Day. |
Remember View a Poppy Pin in your inventory on Veteran's Day. |
Snow Day Give a snowball to Mel-T during the Festival of Pilair Event. (Random) |
Team Alexia Score 100 War Points on Team Alexia. |
Team Alice Score 100 War Points on Team Alice. |
Team Darkest Tower Click with Darkest Tower team in Click Wars. |
Team Lightest Tower Click with Lightest Tower team in Click Wars. |
Team Mushroom Shops Click with Mushroom Shops team in Click Wars. |
Team Pilair Click with Pilair team in Click Wars. |
Year Eight Successfully attack Professor Sunrage 48 times. |
Year Eleven Restock 20 different IchuCards and visit Goneff. |
Year Fifteen Make 5 trips to Sky Island in your Zeppelin. |
Year Four Random from the Y4 Gift Bag. |
Year Nine Complete 25 of Corek's Scroll Recipes. |
Year Seven Random from curing Elemental Ichumon during Y7 Anniversary. |
Year Six Purchase using points from the Y6 event. |
Year Sixteen Do the things. |
Year Ten Cast all 15 of the Y10 monster IchuCards and win the battle in the Crusade Arena. |
Year Thirteen Collect 100 Anniverstary points |
Year Three Random from the Y3 Gift Bag. |
Year Twelve Return a deck of world IchuCards to Fargo. |
Year Two |
Cashshop Avatars Available only from the Cashshop or from other users. |
Banana Gun Use the Banana Gun Avatar item. |
Battle Glemme Use the Battle Glemme Avatar item. |
Donator Use the Donator Avatar item. |
Misippi Use the Misippi Avatar item. |
Premium Use the Premium Avatar item. |
Prickly Use the Prickly Avatar item. |
Squishy Squid Use the Squishy Squid Avatar item. |
Toxic Skull Use the Toxic Skull Avatar item. |
Inactive Avatars Currently not obtainable, but may be in the future. |
Ichu Voter Random when voting for Ichumon. |
IchuExam Pass Score 90% or higher on IchuExams. Currently there are no IchuExams. |
Question Time Be first to correctly guess the answer to Question Time. |
Team Dr Dim Click with Dr Dim team in Click Wars. |
Team Fargos Forest Click with Fargos Forest team in Click Wars. |
Treasure Click on the special treasure Clam in the Underwater part of the RPG (Version 1). |
What THE HELL AM I? Be first to correctly guess the answer to What Am I? |
Retired Avatars No longer obtainable. |
Dessert Warfare Victory Score at least 1 point in the Dessert Warfare plot. |
Ice Smashing Reach level 20 of the Ice Terrain during the Agent Jeff Plot. |
Ichunyte Random from defeating an Evil Ichumon during Y3 Anniversary. |
Malvagio Kicked My Butt Random when losing to Malvagio in the War Room during Corek Strikes Back plot. |
Mysterious Anpu Priest Participate in the Drought Plot of 2011. |
One Year Old View the Updates page during the Year 1 Celebration. |
Welcome Back Sign the Rock of Beta. |