Ichumon's 16th Anniversary

Events :: Ichumon's 16th Anniversary

Year FifteenY15 Puzzle Collector


Void vs Heroes

  In the heart of Ichua, a dark energy has begun to stir. The ancient Sky Seal, a barrier that had protected the realm for centuries, has been breached. Corek, a master of dark magic, found his moment during Alice's time of weakness after her fierce battle with Alexia. With the Sky Seal shattered, a torrent of Void energy is flowing through Ichua, corrupting the once-peaceful Ichumon and turning them evil.
  Alice has gathered the Hero Ichumon, each one a symbol of courage and resilience. The Void energy is spreading, and if they don't act fast, all of Ichua will be lost to darkness. Alice has deployed the Hero Ichumon to the Crusade Arena to prevent the corrupted Evil Ichumon from taking over Ichua.
  Alice has found a way to drain off the Void energy and convert it into binary energy that she can use to reseal and strengthen the Sky Seal. Now she must draw all the afflicted Ichumon into battle with her in order to enact her plan. 
Collect Corek Void IchuCards from completing Quests or restock 6 items from the Mushroom Shops to begin battle with Alice herself!
The top two Ichumon with the most wins against Alice (from different users, current wins excluded) will be awarded a Thumbtack of Terror!
Alice Drops
Crusade Arena Y16 Hero Ichumon Puzzle Piece Prize Drops

Hero Ichumon appear in the Crusade Arena from Snow Dock+