Turkey Bowling

Turkey Bowling is a Flash Game found in the Game Room.
To play, you need to press the Spacebar on your keyboard to launch the ball. Where you aim is dependent on the arrows located on the lane. These arrows will move automatically from left to right. It is your job to press the Spacebar at the right time to hit the right Turkeys.
You must wait until the Turkey resetter is completely clear or else you could launch a ball at nothing. It is best to wait one full completion of arrow rotation after the resetter has disappeared to make sure you won't accrue an unnecessary miss.
The object of the game is to knock over the most Turkeys at the end of the bowling lane. You are given two throws per Frame. After your first throw, you get a second chance to knock over any remaining Turkeys. Knock down all Turkeys in two frames and it's a Spare (shown as /). Knock down all Turkeys in one Frame and it's a Strike (shown as X). The number of Turkeys you knock over after two throws is the score of the Frame. There are five Frames. In the fifth Frame, you are given an extra throw (called a fill ball) should you get a Spare. If you get a Strike on your first throw of the fifth frame, you'll get two extra throws. The score you have at the end of the game will be automatically sent, so try to always do your best.
Scoring (in further detail)
Again, your final score is a direct result of the scores you achieve per Frame. Remember, there are two Throws per Frame. If you are unable to knock down all 10 Turkeys in a frame, your score is the number of Turkeys you managed to knock down.
If in your first throw, you knock down 4 and in your second throw, you knock down 5, your score for the Frame will be 9.
If you manage to knock down all Turkeys with the two throws, it is a Spare. Spares are worth 10 points PLUS the number of Turkeys you knock down in the first throw of the next Frame.
If in your first Frame you get a Spare, and in your second Frame your first throw is a 6, then then your total score for the first Frame is 16.
If you manage to knock down all Turkeys in one throw, it is a Strike. Strikes are worth 10 points PLUS the number of Turkeys you knock down in the next two throws.
If in your second frame you get a Strike, then in your third frame your first throw is a 4 and then your second throw is a 3, then you total score for the second frame is 17.
The Fifth Frame
If in the fifth frame you do no knock over all of the Turkeys in two throws, you will not be able to throw a third time.
If you get a Spare in the fifth frame, you get to throw a third time so you can determine the total score of the Spare. If you get a Strike in your third throw, your total score for the frame is 20.
If you get a Strike in the fifth frame, you get to throw two more times so you can determine the total score of the Strike. If you get a Spare in your last two throws, your total score for the frame is 20. If you manage to get another Strike in your first roll, and a 7 in your second roll, your total score for the frame will be 27. If you get Strikes on all three throws, your total score for the frame will be 30.
Your total score of the game is the summation of scores you earn on each frame.
If you got a 7, 9, /, 8, 8, then your total score will be 50.
If you got a X, 6, X, 7, / (8+2) +7, then your total score will be 63.
If you got a X, X, / (7+3), X, / (6+4) +X, then your total score will be 107.
If you got a X, X, X, X, X+X+3, then your total score will be 143.
Get it?? :D The minimum score you can get in Turkey Bowling is 0. The maximum score you can get in Turkey Bowling is 150.
External Link: Turkey Bowling