The Blesser is one of four Jobs you can choose from in the Job Centre. A Blesser has the ability to create items that affect the Weather.
For more information on Ichua's Weather, click here.
5 Minutes Full Moon Weather (Level 1, 3 EXP)

Bagged Pink Nawer
x 3 |

Demon Flarix Plushie
x 2 |
5 Minutes Night Rainy Weather (Level 1, 1 EXP)

Rave Berry
x 1 |

Snake In A Can
x 3 |
5 Minutes Rainy Weather (Level 3, 7 EXP)

Starry Moon Berry
x 2 |

Ornate Polisis Gauntlet
x 4 |
5 Minutes Sunny Weather (Level 8, 17 EXP)

Earth Amulet
x 1 |

Star Berry
x 1 |

Baby Skoilo Stamp
x 1 |
15 Minutes Full Moon Weather (Level 11, 18 EXP)

Sad Berry
x 2 |

Strawberry Melon Ichu Muffin
x 3 |

Strawberry Rock Candy
x 5 |
No Apple Rain (Level 14, 24 EXP)

Green Apple
x 1000 |
15 Minutes Rainy Weather (Level 15, 22 EXP)

Tie Dye Berry
x 2 |

Graham Cracker Ice Cream Sandwich
x 2 |

Baby Ignomi Puzzle
x 1 |

Standard Blue Window
x 5 |
15 Minutes Sunny Weather (Level 18, 25 EXP)

Traditional Pink Ornament
x 9 |

Red Gothic Collar
x 5 |

Blue Crystal Ball
x 4 |

Brown Dragora Backpack
x 5 |
30 Minutes Full Moon Weather (Level 20, 24 EXP)

Essence Of Chammy
x 5 |

Love Potion
x 2 |

Fire Amulet
x 2 |

The Color Orange
x 4 |
30 Minutes Sunny Weather (Level 23, 28 EXP)

Star Berry
x 3 |

Yellow Danemue Plushie
x 6 |

Yellow MP3 Player
x 2 |

Earth Recorder
x 4 |

Tan Blue Swimming Trunks
x 4 |

Misprinted Arena Stamp
x 7 |
30 Minutes Night Rainy Weather (Level 24, 26 EXP)

The First Book
x 10 |

Black Cherry Moon Sucker
x 1 |

Lime Moon Sucker
x 1 |

Moon-Star Lamp
x 2 |
30 Minutes Rainy Weather (Level 24, 26 EXP)

Stormy Tag Potion
x 2 |

Collar of Storms
x 1 |