Ichumon's 3rd Anniversary
Events :: Ichumon's 3rd Anniversary

Rick the Reporter, while trying to find answers on Writer's Block closing, accidentally unleashed a mutated squad of Ichumon hiding within the building!
Evil Ichumon are swarming around Ichua! We must defeat them with the only known substance they are not immune to: nytes!
You must create the correct -nyte at Dr. Dimmer's Lab to defeat the evil Ichumon that has attacked you. There have been reports of strange finds in the Treasured Mines perhaps you should start there.
Defeat the evil Ichumon that has attacked you by returning to Writer's Block to administer the -nyte from your inventory (for example, an Evilo attack requires a Skoinyte to counter).
Earn Hero Points by killing an Evil Ichumon to redeem rewards.
Y3 Anniversary Puzzle Pieces are found in all three categories.
10 kills of an Evil Ichumon will earn your Ichumon a Monster Card for that Evil Ichumon!
Each time you turn in Hero Points for rewards you are awarded 1 raffle ticket.
After the Anniversary event finishes August 31, 2011 the raffle will be held for the following prizes from the Beta and Grand Opening of Ichumon. One of each will be given out.

Please note these are not 'new' items. These items have been retrieved from very old inactive accounts.
Nyte Recipes
You must create the correct -nyte at Dr. Dimmer's Lab to defeat the evil Ichumon that has attacked you.
Nyte and Rocks are found in the Treasured Mines perhaps you should start there.
Use this forum thread to trade Nyte items needed, nytes, rocks, extracts.
All the Spectral Extracts can be found in specific locations. You have to play a certain game or do a certain action to receive the extract.
3rd Anniversary Puzzle

3rd Anniversary Puzzle pieces are randomly given from turning in Hero Points.
5 from Super Rare
10 from Rare
10 from Common
Upon completing the puzzle you will receive an Avatar and a Trophy.
Evil Ichumon
You will randomly encounter Evil Ichumon while browsing around Ichumon during the 3rd Anniversary.
Trophies will be awarded at the end of the anniversary based on Evil Ichumon kills.

Crusade Arena Monster
Randomly appears in the CA and randomly drops all of the Spectral Extracts.
